Police arrest Illini softball player for menorah vandalism

University of Illinois softball player has been suspended indefinitely after
police say she was behind the latest act of vandalism
to the menorah at the Illini Chabad Center


say 21-year-old Ruby Fernandez Rivera told the vandals to unscrew the bulbs and
didn’t mean to break part of the menorah. this is the third time the Chabad has
dealt with vandalism in recent months.


say it shows more needs to be done for cultural sensitivity on campus.


“The best thing that could happen is
not that these students have community service just to shovel snow. I think we
need diversity training. This is a lesson,” said Rabbi Dovid Tiechtel.


Rivera faces criminal damage to property charges. The other person in the video
is a student athlete in gymnastics. He wasn’t charged but has been suspended
from two of his upcoming competitions.

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