Jewish flight from rising antisemitism serves as warning to whole of Europe

The flight of Jews from mainland Europe following a sharp rise
in antisemitism should be a warning to the rest of the population, a prominent
Jewish organisation has warned. Jewish migration to Israel has doubled in the
last two years, with many more opting to flee to America and even Britain in
the wake of a rise in antisemitic attacks.


While all eyes have been
on the massive influx of migrants from Islamic countries across Asia, the
Middle East and Africa, comparatively little attention has been paid to the
equally historic movement of Jews out of Europe, and France in particular.


fact, as Breitbart News
pointed out in January, the ongoing exodus of French Jews comprises the largest
trans-migration of Jews since the formation of Israel in 1948. Some 8,000
headed for Israel in 2015, while many others migrated to the UK or the US.


a newly released video, the
Campaign for Antisemitism has said that this is not just a problem for Jews,
but is a problem for the whole of European society, chillingly warning: “the
Islamists and Nazis attacking Europe’s Jews hate you too.


shows us time and again – hate that starts with the Jews never ends with the

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