2015 Antisemitism report in France

2015 Antisemitism report


– 808 Antisemitic acts committed in France in 2015
led to filing a complaint. This
number is extremely high.


– In 2015, 29
people (men, women, children, babies) were taken hostage in a kosher supermarket
on 9 January 2015. 4 people were executed.


– For the first
time, Antisemitism in France reached a very high level regardless of the armed conflict
in the Middle East. Antisemitic acts committed in France in 2015 are home-grown
phenomena. French Antisemitism has reached high numbers.


– Once again in
2015, Jews, who represent less than one percent of the total population, are the
target of 40 percent of all racist crimes committed in France, and 49 percent
of racist violent acts committed against people.


– In France, there were on average two Antisemitic acts
perpetrated every day in 2015 .


-In 2015, many victims
of Antisemitic acts said that they preferred not to file a complaint for Antisemitic
insults, threats or light violence, while others were executed a few months
earlier because they were Jews. The actual number of Antisemitic acts committed
in France in 2015 seems much higher than the statistics of the recorded cases
that led to a complaint with the police.


– The number of
Jews that leave the country or think about leaving France for another country keeps
on increasing. A large proportion of French Jews do not feel at ease within
society and feels misunderstood even besides security issues. Others fear the loss of their identity. It seems to them that
being Jewish in France has become too difficult.


Both observations reveal the deep and growing angst of French


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