Berlin – Following
last year’s 
spate of
antisemitic vandalism, the Jew-hating slogans have continued to appear in the
area. At the beginning of January, the Alt-Mariendorf underground station and
its surroundings were daubed with graffiti including, “Who is Rotschild [sic]?
Western Terror Jews [sic] out!”, a swastika and several “Jews Out” and
also the initials “JF”. 
may be a reference to the Junge Front (Young Front).


The Junge Front was the youth movement attached to the Volkssozialistische Bewegung
Deutschlands/Partei der Arbeit
 (the VSBD/PdA), a
far-right political party that was founded in Germany in 1971 and banned
in 1982. The VSBD/PdA represented a socialist-leaning version of Nazism. After
it was banned, many of its former members founded the Nationalist Front.

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