‘Zuckerberg, don’t kill us’ – Israeli NGO blasts Facebook for allowing Palestinian incitement

right-wing Israeli NGO launched a
crowdfunding initiative
 on Sunday soliciting donations in order to
subsidize billboards to be placed near the home of Facebook founder Mark
Zuckerberg as a form of protest for indulging Palestinian incitement on the
popular social media tool.


a YouTube video, the Shurat Hadin – Israel Law Center criticized Zuckerberg for
failing to crack down on Palestinian incitement while calling him to task for
“supporting Muslims” in a previous post. 



“When Palestinian terrorists called for the killing of Jews on Facebook, Facebook closed its eyes,” the narrator of the video says as an image of Zuckerberg with his eyes shut is displayed.


Shurat Hadin wants to raise money in order to put up billboards containing images of Palestinian incitement – with the billboards placed near Zuckerberg’s residence in northern California.


The NGO is aiming to raise $30,000 for the campaign.

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