Saudi cleric on TV: Treachery courses through the veins of the Jews like blood

Riad – Saudi cleric voiced viral antisemitism in a recent TV
interview, saying that the Jews are arrogant people who had implemented The
Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

“Treachery courses through the veins [of the Jews] like blood,” said
Sheikh Muhammad al-Munajid, according to the video of the interview posted by
MEMRI (the Middle East Media Research Institute) on Sunday.


The host of the interview commented, “The Jews are today’s plague, a
malignant disease,” in the show aired on the Saudi Almajd TV channel on
November 27, 2015.


The host continued to accuse the Jews of having a “black” history and
stories “stained with bloodshed.”


Munajid then said, “The Jews are at the top of the list of enemies. The
Jews of today are the same as the Jews of yesterday,” going on to add, “Allah has
shown us their traits.”


He explained that the prophet Muhammad said, “Our battle with them will
continue until the end of time.”


The sheikh added that according to Judaism, non-Jews are considered
impure like pigs. “This appears word for word in their false Torah.”


Munajid also said that Jews are allowed to rape non-Jewish women as “it
appears in their scriptures.”


“I don’t have anything personal against the Jews. Not at all,” said the
Saudi cleric, adding, “Our hatred of them stems from their having cursed


He also falsely asserted that Jews are polytheists according to the
Talmud – “They say that the rabbis are the masters of God.”


The host then asked about Muslims that have lived alongside Jews in the
West or in Palestine and what Shari’a has to say about coexistence with them.


Munajid responded that they first call on Jews to convert to Islam, but
if they would live as dhimmi [status for ‘people of the book,’ such as Jews and
Christians] and pay the poll tax as a protected minority under Muslim
sovereignty, then “It would have been impermissible for us to do them an
injustice or to harm them.”

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