Joshua Bonehill-Paine convicted of inciting racial hatred against Jews

A 22-year-old man has been convicted of inciting racial hatred after he
published antisemitic material. 


Joshua Bonehill-Paine was described in court as “an extremist” who had
expressed “virulently racist views in respect to the Jewish community”.


He had been arrested ahead of a planned neo-Nazi rally which was due to
take place at the heart of the Jewish community in Golders Green, north-west
London, in July.


Bonehill-Paine, of Yeovil, Somerset, had circulated images online
including one which described the protest as an “anti-Jewification” event.


It carried a picture of a weed-killer being sprayed at a concentration


He was convicted at Southwark Crown Court on Wednesday. He will be
sentenced on Thursday.


A Community Security Trust spokesman said: “CST is proud to have
played its part in the initial arrest of this troublemaker for the hateful


“We welcome his having been found guilty, but it is dreadful that
he was able to harass and abuse so many people over all this time.”

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