Op-ed in official PA daily: Israel carried out Paris attacks

opinion piece in the official Palestinian Authority daily al-Hayat al-Jadida
blamed Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency for Friday’s deadly terror attacks
in Paris, suggesting they were orchestrated in order to undermine new European
moves promoting a two-state solution and providing for the clear labeling of
produce from Israeli West Bank settlements.


The op-ed
was translated by Palestinian Media Watch
, a media
monitoring group.


“It is
not a coincidence that human blood was exploded in Paris at the same time that
certain European sanctions are beginning to be implemented against settlement
products, and while France leads Europe in advising the [UN] Security Council
that will implement the two-state solution, Palestine and Israel — which the
Israelis see as a warning of sudden danger coming from the direction of Europe,
where the Zionist, occupying, settling endeavor was born…” the piece states.


“The wise and correct thing is
to look for who benefits,” the op-ed continues. “In short: They need to search
the last place reached by the octopus arms of the Mossad… It is clear that its
‘Mossad’ will burn Beirut and Paris in order to achieve [Prime Minister
Benjamin] Netanyahu’s goals. He, who challenged the master of the White House,
hides in his soul enough evil to burn the world.”


At least 132 people were killed
in Paris in the coordinated attacks last Friday, the worst in France in


French officials said at least
eight terrorists were involved in the attacks, six of whom blew themselves up,
one who was shot by police, and one who was still at large Sunday and considered
armed and dangerous.


The Islamic State terror group
claimed responsibility for the attacks.

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