Exclusive London nightclub shut down after major brawl sparked by antisemitic remark

London – One club goer’s antisemitic comment at the celebrity
London nightclub, Boujis, triggered a street brawl that has ultimately led
authorities to shut the club down for two weeks, with the possibility that it
will not get its license back to reopen, British media reported on Friday. 


According to the exclusive club, the fight was triggered after one guest
hurled insults at a group of Jews who had booked a table for the night. It
spilled out onto the street, with men and women attacking one another. In video
released by one club manager, “F***ing Jews” can be heard shouted and a man is
thrown headfirst against a parked taxicab.


Seven people, aged 18-21, were arrested by police on the scene,
according to the U.K. Daily Mail. The local licensing authorities ordered a
licence review and demanded the club shut down for two weeks.


The club has been visited by celebrities like Fergie from the Black Eyed
Peas and frequented by royalty, including princes Harry and William along with
Kate Middleton.


Watch video of the incident below:

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