Report on UNRWA teachers and other officials inciting violence & antisemitism

1: “Stab Zionist Dogs,” says U.N. employee Hani Al Ramahi

Hani Al Ramahi - UNRWA link


Hani Al Ramahi, who identifies himself on Facebook as a “Projects Support Assistant at UNRWA” (screenshot here),posted the violent image below last Thursday, on October 8th, in which a keffiyeh-clad man stares down the camera as he grasps a knife, bearing the Palestinian colors, daubed in blood. “Stab Zionist dogs, reads the caption.

Hani Al Ramahi - Palestinian knife imageRecommendation: UNRWA should fire Hani Al Ramahi for using the name of UNRWA on an account that incites violence and terrorism.


2: U.N. employee Ibrahim Ali glorifies knifings, Molotov cocktail

Ibrahim Ali - UNRWA link


Ibrahim Ali, who lives in Hebron and identifies himself as an UNRWA employee on his Facebook page (screenshot here), posted this video on his timeline on October 6th (screen captures below), which glorifies a gruesome series of terrorist attacks, including shootings and stabbings, of Israeli Jews.

Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 11.30.59 PM Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 11.31.16 PM Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 11.31.34 PM  Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 11.32.18 PM

Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 11.32.45 PM Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 11.33.05 PM

Recommendation: UNRWA should fire Ibrahim Ali for using the name of UNRWA on an account that promotes violence and terrorism.


3: Hiba Miari, UNRWA teacher, celebrates stabbings

Hiba M. Miari - UNRWA link


Hiba Miari, identifying herself on her Facebook page as an UNRWA teacher (screenshot above), celebrated the recent Palestinian stabbing attacks against Israeli Jews with a cartoon that she posted online on October 11th. A masked Palestinian is shown playing music on a violin made of a giant knife — the kind used for stabbing. The picture was deleted after it was first exposed by the blogger Elder of Ziyon, though UNRWA has never condemned the incitement or announced any punitive action.

Hiba M. Miari - knife violin image


Recommendation: UNRWA should fire Hiba Miari for using the name of UNRWA on an account that glorifies and romanticizes violent acts of terrorism.



4: Um Karam, UNRWA teacher, glorifies stabbing sermon

UNRWA link


Um Karam, who identifies himself on his Facebook page as a teacher at UNRWA (screenshot above), posted the infamous video of mosque sermon in which Sheikh Abu Rajab pulled out a knife and, with violent stabbing motions, exhorted Palestinians to murder Jews in the name of Islam.

Other II - screenshot of video

Recommendation: UNRWA should fire Um Karam for using the name of UNRWA on an account that promotes murder and terrorism.


5: Souhaib Fayyad

Souhaib Fayyad, who identified on Facebook as part of UNRWA, celebrated the stabbing of Israeli Jews by turning his Facebook profie picture, on October 12th, into an image of a dagger, morphed out of the Facebook “Like” icon. UN Watch captured the image below before it was removed. Fayyad’s actions were documented by the blogger Elder of Ziyon, and his UNRWA-linked Facebook page has since been deactivated. UNRWA has never condemned its employee’s incitement or announced any punitive measures.


Souhaib Fayyad - Knife FB image + UNRWA link


Recommendation: UNRWA should fire Souhaib Fayyad for using the name of UNRWA on an account that promotes and condones murderous acts of terrorism.


Mahmoud Abu Zakari

Mahmoud Abu Zakari, identified on his Facebook page as an UNRWA social worker, celebrated the stabbing of Israeli Jews on October 11th, by turning his profile picture into an image of a hooded youngster clutching a large knife, ready to strike (below).

Mhmood Abu Zakari - Knife image + UNRWA link

Recommendation: UNRWA should fire Mahmoud Abu Zakari for using the name of UNRWA on an account that promotes and condones acts of violence and terrorism.


7: Maen Dajani, U.N. teacher, defends stabber

Maen Dajani - UNRWA link

Maen Dajani, identifying himself on his Facebook page as a teacher with UNRWA, joined in the PA-Hamas campaign to demonize Israeli self-defence against stabbings as “executions of teenagers,” when he shared post on October 14th (screenshot below) purporting to illustrate that Israeli media had photoshopped a knife into the hand of a 15-year-old “martyr” who attempted to stab an Israeli. Dajani, who failed to reply to another user’s comment on his post in which the photoshop claim is conclusively refuted, was first exposed by the blogger Elder of Ziyon.

Maen Dajani - screenshot original image martyr

Recommendation: UNRWA should fire Maen Dajani for using the name of UNRWA on an account that excuses violence and terrorism.


8: UNRWA’S Saleh Mohsen advocates violence

Salah Mohsen - UNRWA link

Saleh Mohsen, identifying himself on his Facebook page as an UNRWA employee, celebrated the outbreak of Palestinian stabbing attacks against Israelis by calling, on October 4th, for a “West Bank Intifada”:

Screen Shot 2015-10-16 at 1.12.32 PM


On October 9th, this UN employee shared a post on his timeliine calling for a “Third Intifada” (see three hashtags below) and then, on the same day, turned his profile picture into the violent image of a masked stone-thrower (see below), as first exposed by the blogger Elder of Ziyon.


Salah Mohsen - rock-throwing imageSalah Mohsen - proof of shared image

Recommendation: UNRWA should fire Saleh Mohsen for using the name of UNRWA on an account that promotes violence and terrorism.


9: UNRWA’S “Arab Idol” Mohammed Assaf advocates “West bank intifada,”
glorifies violence

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Mohammed Assaf, UNRWA’s “Youth Ambassador” and most famous personality — an “Arab Idol” winner who is a key fundraiser and face of the organization, appointed by UNRWA’s Commissioner-General — has been using his UN imprimatur to glorify violence throughout his Facebook timeline. In the image above, Assaf glorifies three Palestinian youths who attacked Israeli Jews as holy “martyrs” (Shahid).

Recommendation: UNRWA should fire Mohammed Assaf for using the name of UNRWA on an account that promotes violence and terrorism.



10: UNRWA teacher Abu Wadih Duheir

Abu Wadih Duheir - UNRWA link


Abu Wadih Duheir, identifying himself on his Facebook page as a teacher at UNRWA, shared video on October 15th celebrating acts of terror and exhorting people to violence with the hashtag “#Intifada“. Still images from the video:


Abu Wadih Duheir - video screenshot swastika Abu Wadih Duheir - video screenshot knife in air Abu Wadih Duheir - knife in car Abu Wadih Duheir - celebrating injured Israeli

Mr. Duheir’s photos of his UNRWA school activities:

UNRWA teacher abu mike

UNRWA teacher Abu in school

Recommendation: UNRWA should fire Abu Wadih Duheir for using the name of UNRWA on an account that condones violence and terrorism.

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