Abusive Behaviour, September 2015 (24 incidents)


The reporter who is
visibly Jewish was walking when a vehicle passed and one of the occupants
shouted. “Fucking Smelling Jew”



A protest was held
outside a Jewish school There were 3 protestors and they were holding signs up
about Jesus and were shouting about burning in hell.



The reporter
was on a public bus when heard the offender shouting antisemitic abuse. He was
shouting commnets such as “fuck all the Jews” “Jews out of Palestine”
“Jews kill babies” The reporter challenged the offender. The offender
claimed he lived locally to where the incident happened.



An image of
Benjamin Netanyahu with blood coming out of the sides of his mouth and red eyes
like a vampire hovering over a Palestinian baby covered in blood was tweeted to
a large Jewish communal organisation and to Benjamin Netanyahu directly.

A Magen David
was also drawn on the centre of his forehead and the words ‘Can’t get enough’
are written at the top of the image.



A congregant
of a Synagogue informed a security guard at a Synagogue that she witnessed
youths throwing eggs at Jewish people.



The victim was
on a public bus which had got stuck in traffic.

The victim
gestured to the bus driver that it was ok to stop where he was and he would get
off. The driver turned to another member of staff, presumed to be the bus
inspecter. The inspecter said no to which the victim repsonded with sacrasm.

As the victim
got off of the bus the inspecter have a Nazi salute.



The victim is
a visibly Jewish school boy. He was on his way home from school when he
received verbal abuse from a black male. The offender shouted “oh, when
the Jews go suck my… “



A member of
the public reported that a vehicle slowed down and “Yiddo” was houted.
3 males were believed to be in the car.



A man passed a
Synagogue and shouted “Fucking Jews”.



2 Arab looking
men approached a Synagogue on the High Holy Days and made threatening gestures
at the security guard.

One pulled out
his hand from his jacket in the form of a gun and directed towards the guard.



The reporter
was walking with another person, when a vehicle drove past and the female
passenger shouted out of the window “Jewish Wanker” and showed a one
finger hand gesture.



A visibly
Jewish male was driving in a convertable with the roof down. The car behind him
was driving extremely close to him and had a middle eastern looking driver.

When the cars
stopped at the traffic lights, the male in the car behind him got out of his
vehicle and approached his vehicle.

He shouted
‘Why are you looking out of your back mirror at me, you Jewish




grffiti was found drawn on the floor of a train station. It was a Swatika drawn
in the middle of two Stars of David with equals symbols separating them.



An Antisemitic
tweet was sent to a high profile Jewish figure with a picture of a lampshade
and the tweet which read, “Did any of your ancestors look something like
this? #gtfokike”



3 white males
performed the “Heil Hitler” salute outside a Synagogue and then
walked off. They were reported to be intoxicated.



A vehicle with
4 occupants drove slowly past a Synagogue and chanted “Throw the Jew down the



A female
student wearing school uniform from a Jewish high school was on a bus with her
friend and was called a “Dirty Jew” and her pennies thrown at her by
students from a different school.

The students
also said “Jews are disgusting” and threw a lolly pop at a Jewish student.

When the
Jewish students got off of the bus, the other students put their middle fingers
up at them through the window.



The victim is
a 9 year old boy who is visibly Jewish. He was in the park on a High Holy Day
when he was called a fucking Jew.



A building
which is the office of a film distribution company and has no Jewish
affiliation had Antisemitic graffiti drawn on it. The words written were.
“You Jewish cunt”. “Cunt” and a drawing of a Swastika.



graffiti was written on a vehicle, the owner of which is not Jewish.

The following
words were written in a marker pen on the side of the vehicle: “Behead
Christian Cunts in Syria”, “You white cunts”, “Jews
Cunts” and a drawing of a Swastika.



The words
“Jewish Cunts” and a drawing of a Swastika were drawn on an electrical
shop on a main road.

The owner of
which is not Jewish.



An antisemitic
tweet which is deeply offensive and explicit in its content was sent to a
Jewish charity online.

It had a
pornographic picture of a naked woman on a cash note with the words, “Here
is my donation for all “dirty Jewish pussy” in the world.



symbols were sprayed on two vehicles and swear words daubed on a third vehicle
in the same area.



A poster
advertising a Jewish charity was destroyed and ripped off a phonebox.

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