Holocaust-film-based poll shows 1 in 3 Americans would refuse to hide a Jew if alive during holocaust

A scientific poll born out of a Holocaust-based film reveals that 1 in 3
American adults say they would have said “no” if asked to hide a Jew were they
around during the Holocaust.


The poll was conducted as part of a marketing campaign aimed at
promoting the digital release of the film “Return to the Hiding Place,” which
chronicles the the lives of Christians who put their lives on the line to
shelter Jews from the Nazis during World War II.


The film’s director Peter Spencer hatched the idea for the poll based on
an interview in which the film’s star, John Rhys-Davies, asked his interviewers
if they would have risked their safety to help Jews had they been in position
to at the time.


The poll, which surveyed 1,000 American adults, showed that married
American adults were more likely to say they would have helped Jews, while men,
more than women, answered in the affirmative.


Additionally, people who identified as religious were more likely to
answer “yes,” and affirmative Southerners outnumbered Northerners.

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