Elderly couple beaten, robbed in antisemitic attack

Transleted to English by http://antisemitism-europe.blogspot.co.il/


Amsterdam – Last month an elderly Jewish couple was violently
robbed in their home. In an interview to
the Jewish magazine Nieuw Israelitisch Weekblad, the couple say the attack was


and Diana Blog were just recently released from the hospital and are currently
in rehabilitation. The two had been
functioning independently until then, but now Diana says she suffers much pain,
and Samuel is nearly blind after the attack.


The two attackers, who are described as middle-aged and
Moroccan-looking, entered their home posing as policemen.  They beat the elderly couple up, tied them up
and forced Diana to drink a bottle containing sleeping drugs. 


Diana’s father was a diamond cutter and therefore she had quite a bit of
jewellery.  The attackers took it all and
threatened to cut off her fingers when she took too much time taking off her


They said: “You dirty Jews. You shouldn’t wear it. You’ve worn it
for too long already, now it’s ours.”



The two are Holocaust survivors. Diana was in Auschwitz and says that as much as she was beaten up by the
Nazis, she was beaten up more now.


Their son, Emanuel, who lives in Spain, says that he also thinks the
attack was antisemitic. His parents have
a big mezuzah on the door, and the attackers had continued beating them up even
after they took everything.

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