Man who launched racial attack on asylum seeker jailed

Taha Bakhit, who launched a racially aggravated assault on an asylum
seeker has been jailed for nine months.


Taha Bakhit, who is facing being thrown out of the country after
claiming to be a refugee, fired off a volley of antisemitic abuse and
threatened to behead his victim.


Once he was at the police station the 24-year-old told officers: “If I
go back in there I will kill him, I will cut his head off.”


Bakhit, believed to be from Sudan, launched the attack on a resident of
a shared home in Crombey Street which is used to house people awaiting


The incident took place five days after he was before the magistrates
for another attack and while he was on bail for a further assault at the same


“Taha Bakhit saw Sayed Hussain
was wearing a necklace and said ‘are you wearing this, are you a
non-believer?’. Then he said ‘you are Jewish, you are Jewish, you will go to
burn in hell fire’ Claire Marlow, prosecuting, told Swindon Crown Court.


“Mr Bakhit then came out of
his room, reached in to his waistband, pulled out a pair of scissors with the
blades pointing towards Mr Hussain.


“He said ‘I’ll kill you now, I
want to see you burn in hell. I’ll send you there now’.”


Bakhit, who needed a Sudanese Arabic interpreter, pleaded guilty to
racially aggravated common assault.


Jailing him for nine months, Recorder Maria Lamb said: “This was an
unpleasant and frightening incident.


What is worse is that you were on bail at the time and it occurred five
days after an incident for which you were sentenced on April 8.”

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