Antisemitic graffiti

London – A
Jewish girls school in London was vandalized with antisemitic graffiti for the
second time in just over a month.


Antisemitic graffiti featuring a swastika and the words
“yid shit” was found scrawled on the fence of a girls primary Jewish
school (woodberry down primary school) in London Monday, marking the latest in a series of antisemitic
incidents in Britain’s capital.


The use of the word “Yid” – Jew in Yiddish – as a racial slur
has become popularized in recent years.


“Targeting a Jewish
School with antisemitic graffiti is very low. Nobody should have to face hate
crime of any kind, especially young children,” said Michael Scher from
Stamford Hill Shomrim, a voluntary neighborhood patrol group.


Local authorities are searching for the culprits of the antisemitic
incident, and are urging the public to contact them with any leads.


the previous act of antisemitic vandalism at the Orthodox school, the graffiti
said “Yids Out.”

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