An antisemitic rally

Lvov – In Lvov took place an antisemitic rally


The protesters demanded to push Jews aside of the power.
Near the building of Lvov regional state administration on Tuesday, about 100 people came to the rally with anti-Semitic posters and the requirement to remove the Jews from power, reports ZAXID.NET.
The protesters were holding banners “Waltman – Poroshenko, Kogan – Turchinov, Klitschko – Athinson, Groisman, Kapitel’man – Tymoshenko, Bakay Yatsenyuk, Tyagnibok – Frotman, a Jewish fraternity is selling Ukraine!, We need a Pro-Ukrainian power!”


It is reported that public organization “Active element” has filed an application for holding the rally. 
The protesters blocked the road near the building of regional state administration. When the first Deputy head of regional administration Rostislav Zamlinsky came out to them, they handed him a resolution.


In turn, the police reported that the rally was authorized. No violations of public order were not.


“On this fact, we conduct a legal assessment. If there are signs of a criminal offence, then the data will be entered in the register and will commence pre-trial investigation”, — said the representative of the Lvov Department of the SSU Miroslav Klyaczkowskaya.

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