Builder fined for racially abusing strictly Orthodox man

A builder who abused an Orthodox man who tried to stop him from
urinating on a wall has been ordered to pay £795. 


Jakub Kawczynski, 33, admitted engaging in religiously aggravated verbal
harassment at Thames Magistrates’ Court on Friday.


While urinating on private land in Hackney, east London – allegedly with
children playing nearby – Kawczynski was challenged by an Orthodox man. He
responded aggressively, using the term “fucking Jewish fuckers”.


The incident took place on June 21.


Kawczynski, of north London, was ordered to pay £200 of the penalty to
the victim as compensation. The remaining £595 will go to the authorities.


In a statement, Hackney Police Sergeant Owen Pyle said: “This
incident shows how seriously the police and courts take antisemitic hate crime.
It is unacceptable and we will not stand for it.”


He paid tribute to the work of volunteer security service Shomrim in
bringing the offender to justice, saying: “We continue to work closely with the
Shomrim and other community groups to tackle antisemitic behaviour towards the
Jewish community, and thank them for their assistance in reporting this
individual to us.”


Chaim Kahan, a Stamford Hill Shomrim spokesman, said: “Hate crime
can have a profound and lasting effect on its victims. Such behaviour is simply
not acceptable and should not be tolerated. Everyone has the right to be safe
and to feel safe within their communities.”

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