2014 Antisemitism report in Venezuela

more, it is the duty of the board that I preside to publish a research paper,
carried out by the analysis of the different media related to the presence of
articles, caricatures and writings of an antisemitic nature, that were published during
the year 2014
. Many of these publications do not cease to surprise us; they
generate unease and create anguish among a collective group that does not
deserve being a victim.


has been a year in which the amount of articles have diminished; we have
reviewed and documented an average of 3,306, observing a very important
increase during the months of July and August, as the “Protective Shield”
operation was going on, a conflict in which Israel was trying to reduce the
attacks coming from the Hamas terrorist group. Hamas has caused great damage to
the Arab population at places where they seize power. This was not a conflict
between nations, it was not for the territory, inasmuch as for Hamas this is an
ideological issue, and there lies the big difference and the lack of answers by
those who do not understand the conflict; it is definitely a confrontation
between civilizations, and already the world, with the recent events begins to
understand the dimension of the subject…


year we observe that the attacks are “professionalized”, they have improved,
and work on the comments of hatred, the word’s vileness and violence are
tuned-up, and the attack is frontal, organized, and as a crowd, with an
impressive coordination seen miles away. It seems as if there is some foreign
laboratory preparing the messages, refining their concepts and globally
exposing them, as a friend would say, spreading them “throughout the global
world”. These global messages are not from individualities, not from
spontaneous minds, inasmuch as it is known, and that is why they are reiterated
at different corners “carbon-copied, almost cloned” with such way of acting,
understanding that we are in the presence of a crime (since the systematic
attack against a minority by reason of its faith is punished in the civilized
world, as it is also in Venezuela) and that crime is called “association to
commit crime” and we are dealing with crimes for which there is no statute of


antisemitic attacks are directly made against the community, against Jews or by
trivialization of the Holocaust. Attacks against Israel, its delegitimization,
its existence’s questioning and attack against Zionism are, undoubtedly, pure
antisemitism, and the aggressors’ excuse is trying to keep down or
differentiate between Israel and Judaism, something almost impossible.


the Caribbean, it has become quite customary to attack “imperialism”, obviously
with the prefect combination, “Zionist imperialism”, and then there are others
who go further away and remain cloistered in theories of alien shame, sometimes
a great deal of shame,  as they supported
by people who read and write.

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