Antisemitic pastor Steve Anderson promotes Holocaust denial

Tempe, Ari­zonaSteve Ander­son, the antisemitic pas­tor of the Faith­ful Word
Bap­tist Church in Tempe, Ari­zona, denies the Holo­caust in a video he posted
to YouTube last week, claim­ing that the mil­lions of Jews who were gassed and
burned in ovens sim­ply died of hunger and dis­ease due to forced labor
and war.


addi­tion to argu­ing that it would be impos­si­ble for the Nazis to have cre­mated
a mil­lion Jews at Auschwitz, Ander­son claims that the slave labor­ers there
got com­pen­sated for their work and could buy items at a com­mis­sary. He fur­ther
asserts that Jews were able to play on a soc­cer team and act in musi­cals and
plays at Auschwitz.


also pro­motes other antisemitic claims. He asserts that Hitler and Zion­ists
had the same goal of get­ting Jews to leave Ger­many and then accuses the Zion­ists
of work­ing with the Nazis so that Jews would go to Pales­tine. He alleges that
the Jews lied about the Holo­caust so that the state of Israel could be cre­ated
and asserts that Jews stole the land from Arabs and then put them in “a giant
con­cen­tra­tion camp known as Gaza.”


This video is also a pro­mo­tion piece for
Anderson’s antisemitic film “March­ing to Zion.” The film, released in March 2015,
refers to Judaism as the “syn­a­gogue of Satan” and claims that Jews are fol­low­ers
of the Antichrist. He also asserts that Jews who deny that Jesus is the Mes­siah
would lie about the Holo­caust. He argues, “Why would it sur­prise you that the
peo­ple who deny the Christ, who deny that Jesus is the mes­siah, would lie to
you about some­thing else?”


warns that the “real Holo­caust” for the Jews will occur if they don’t accept
Jesus as the Mes­siah. He says, “The real burnt offer­ing is going to be when
all of these Jews that don’t believe in Jesus Christ go to hell for eter­nity.
That’s the oven that they ought to be wor­ried about.”


At the end of the video, Ander­son rec­om­mends
that his view­ers read a Holo­caust denial book writ­ten by Vic­tor Thorn, a
writer for Amer­i­can Free Press, an antisemitic conspiracy-oriented news­pa­per.
With this Holo­caust denial video, Ander­son demon­strates that he is increas­ingly
embrac­ing antisemitic ideologies.

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