Amnesty UK’s outrageous justification for rejecting resolution fighting antisemitism

about how Amnesty International UK members voted at their annual
general meeting against a resolution calling on Britain to fight antisemitic


Coalition Against Antisemitism in Europe tweeted to Amnesty-UK asking for
comment. Here was their shameful response:



are the resolutions, outside of internal governance topics, that easily passed
in the meeting:


– Amnesty International’s stance on Abortion: Pro – Choice

– Addressing impunity in Guatemala

– Violations of the rights of Colombian activists including trade
union leader Huber Ballesteros

– The United Kingdom: Rendition and Torture

– Asylum detention in the UK -AIUK will undertake research into
the wrongful detention of torture and trafficking victims in British detention


resolutions all passed as well, including:


– Sex Work – Decriminalisation

– Garment workers in Asian countries

– Guantanamo


– Guatemala

– Sri Lanka Human Rights

mission statement says:


But, hey, you can’t
campaign on everything.
You can,
however, campaign on everything
except antisemitism.


This is a neat inversion
on the answer that latent antisemites give for choosing to condemn only Israel
for things that every nation does – “You’ve got to start somewhere. ” Just like the
Jewish state is always the first, last and only one to be condemned by so many,
so is Jew-hatred the first, last and only human rights issue that cannot be
tackled because of so many other issues worldwide.

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