Antisemitic graffiti

Opolu Lubelskim – antisemitic graffiti were sprayed across
the city. Police arrested the perpetrators.


“Opolu Jews, Stali (sports and football club) is reigning!  These and other inscriptions, as well as
paintings of red Star of David, appeared over the weekend in several areas in
the city. Police had already arrested the perpetrators.


“These are three young men from Poniatowa (Translator’s
note: City in the district of Opolu Lubelskim), fans of Stali football
club,” police said. “The youngest is 22, the oldest – 24”.


The men were arrested Saturday night in the city. A
patrolman noticed them on Stary Rynek. They were standing near the wall of a
building and tried to draw something. “Seeing the police car, they threw their
spray containers and tried to escape, but they were soon arrested “.


As was determined by the police, the men wrote antisemitic
inscriptions on three walls. “These were the inscriptions of
the”Jews of Opolu, Stali is reigning, the Jewish star.” However, the graffiti
was later found    in 10 different locations in the city”.

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