2014 Antisemitism report in Spain

Hate crimes on antisemitic background were increased eight
times in Spain during 2014, an increase of 700% compared to 2013, according to
the Hate Crimes Report submitted on Tuesday by Interior Minister Jorge
Fernandez Diaz
, stating that from 4 incidents, the number had increased to 24

Antisemitic cases make 2 percent of the total 1,285 hate
crimes recorded in Spain
last year, a much lower rate than other violent motives such as homophobia
(39%) or racism (37%).


On the other hand, hate crimes for religious reasons were
almost five percent, increasing 50% compared to 2013, from 42 to 63 cases.


The Minister clarified that there is a distinction between
antisemitic crimes (specifically referred by the Spanish Criminal Code) and
crimes with background of other religions, with the understanding that actions
against Jewish interests are not only related to the religious aspect, but have
also a racist aspect.


Last week, as part of “Operation Karronta” run by
the special unit “Mossos d’Esquadra”, a jihadist cell that was
planning terrorist attacks in Spain
was arrested. Among its goals was Jewish book store in Barcelona.


Following this information and the fact that the Jewish
community is a clear potential target to jihadist terrorism, the minister
raised the question whether its Office intends to take specific practical
measures to protect the interests of the Jews in Spain.


“We maintain constant relation and dialogue. Obviously,
this relationship is maintained in order to get a clear and up to date picture
about the level of threat, and to address it immediately and properly. This
relationship exists and will become more and more intensive,” explained
the Minister, who refrained from revealing in public the
contents of these discussions.

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