Tel Aviv University’s Kantor Center 2014 Antisemitism report

new research study released its findings
on Wednesday, exposing how acts of
violent antisemitism in Europe positively skyrocketed in 2014.


The report, conducted by the Kantor Center for the Study of
Contemporary European Jewry at Tel Aviv University, was prepared together with
the European Jewish Congress (EJC). 


It found a full 766 violent antisemitic acts in Europe last year,
committed either with or without weapons and via arson, vandalism, or direct
threats against Jews or Jewish institutions such as synagogues, schools,
community centers and others.


The findings constitute a rapid increase of 38% when compared to
the results of 2013, in which 554 violent antisemitic incidents were reported.


Breaking down the incidents, the report found attacks against Jews
and their institutions made up a total of 68 reported cases, more than double
the number in 2013. In addition there were 101 cases of direct violence without


The number of Jews violently assaulted included over 306 people, a
66% rise in comparison to 2013. 


Arson cases more than tripled between 2013 and 2014, and there
were a full 412 incidents of vandalism last year as well. There were 114
attacks on synagogues, marking a 70% increase, 57 attacks on community centers
and schools, 118 on cemeteries and memorial sites, and 171 attacks against
Jewish private properties.


Looking at the violent antisemitism by country, the report found
that France is leading Europe as it has for several years in a row. There were
164 violent incidents in France last year as compared to 141 the year before.


The UK did not fall far behind, reaching 141 violent Antisemitic
events, the  same total that France had last year. The year before
that, the figure was 95, showing how violent antisemitism is growing rapidly in
the UK.


Germany likewise ranked highly with 76 incidents compared to
just 36 the year before; Sweden made a shocking jump from a mere 3
incidents to 17, Belgium went from 11 to 30, Italy boosted from 12 to 23,
and Austria rose from 4 to 9. The report also included in its scope Australia,
which went from 11 to 30, and South Africa, which had only one incident in 2013
but 14 in 2014.

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