Antisemitism declines in Hungary, survey finds

Antisemitism declined in Hungary from 38 per cent of the total
population in 2013 to 31 per cent in 2014, a
survey conducted by the pollster Medián has found
. While the level of
education or financial situation do not affect antisemitism in society,
two-thirds of voters supporting the radical nationalist Jobbik party have antisemitic
leanings, according to results. 


23 per cent of respondents
reject the Jewish community on an “emotional basis”, director of research Endre
Hann at the introduction of the survey today, adding that the figures are “not
dramatic” in a European comparison. The poll, which divided respondents into
“stongly antisemitic”, “mildly antisemitic” and “not antisemitic”, found that
the number of antisemites fundamentally decreased from 2013 to 2014.


According to the survey, antisemitism has a stronger presence in the
capital than in rural areas but there is no significant connection between the
level of education, social status, income situation and antisemitism. The
leader of research emphasised that antisemitism is not a “central question” to
a large share of Hungarian society and pointed out that while two-thirds of
Jobbik supporters were labelled antisemitic, 16 per cent of those backing the
left-wing Socialists were also classified as strongly antisemitic.


The representative survey was carried out in late 2014, with 1200
respondents aged 18 or over.

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