Walls of public buildings covered with antisemitic graffiti

Mantes-la-Ville – Antisemitic graffiti was discovered
Friday morning on the walls of several municipal buildings in Jean-Jaurès
Avenue, at the city of Mantes-la-Ville (Yvelines). The graffiti were mainly
sprayed on the local police building, local market, and Jean-Jaurès elementary
school, all located within the city hall quarter. Graffiti was also found on
several private houses.


The malicious graffiti was directed against the Jewish
community. Some of it praised the Kouachi brothers, who
carried out the massacre in the offices of the satirical weekly newspaper
Charlie Hebdo in Paris
on January 7th this year (11 killed, including 8 journalists).


The Mantes-la-Jolie police opened an investigation in order
to identify and arrest the perpetrators.

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