Doctor (71) sentenced for Holocaust denial

On Thursday a jury at
Linz Court unanimously agreed that a letter the doctor had sent to the local
council and the administration of the Mauthausen concentration camp memorial
site proved that he believed that the gas chambers and the systematic genocidal
killing had been made up.


The man, from the Mühlviertel
region, wrote that he became convinced after visiting the Mauthausen site that
the gas chambers had never existed and that therefore the Holocaust “must be a
lie made up by Zionist bankers, who are still up to their mischief in Israel
and the ‘Arab Spring’”.


He went on to claim that Hitler
and Germany were not to blame for WWII and that Austria would be forever
burdened with the “Holocaust cudgel”.


His lawyer argued that the
71-year-old was not a Nazi but merely a “troublemaker” who had a
“particular character” and was “constantly trying to get to the bottom of


The defendant pleaded not
guilty and said that he had only been trying to uncover the truth. He said that
whilst he was at Mauthausen he noticed that there was no gas pipe leading to
the gas chamber, and he could find no explanation of why this was so.


The head of the Mauthausen
Memorial appeared as a witness and described in detail to the 71-year-old how
SS men had removed the gas pipes shortly before the camp was liberated in 1945.
He said that historic records proved this was the case, and that it was clearly
visible that the area where the pipes had been had been plastered over.


The defendant told the court
that “if that’s the case then I accept it but no one told me at the time”.


A psychiatrist certified that
the doctor was sane, but said that when he was convinced about something he
would insist on it vehemently, “regardless of whether he upset or disturbed


The prosecutor recommended a
guilty verdict, as a “signal that such statements will be taken seriously”.

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