2014 Antisemitism report in French-speaking Switzerland (Suisse Romande)

In 2014, the CIDAD recorded 270 incidents,
compared to 151 in 2013
, an increase of 79% from last year.


CICAD has never recorded such a large
number of incidents since its first report, published in 2003. Of particular
concern is the dramatic increase in the number of incidents in January and in
the second half of 2014, and in particular, of disturbing incidents that constitute
an indication.


As shown in the analysis presented in our
report, the outburst of antisemitic posts scattered around the Internet can be
explained, in part, by the news. The most venomous posts in many media
platforms were found during the 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict, Operation Protective
Edge. In addition, the presence – during several weeks – of a woman equipped
with a Palestinian flag who was protesting outside Beth Jacob Synagogue, a
first event of its kind in Geneva,
proves that hostility toward the Jewish community crossed a red line over the
summer. Situations such as this demonstrate how antisemitism and anti-Zionism
are two sides of the same coin.


2014 report and its summary are available

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