Group that sprayed Nazi symbols 133 times is standing trial

since Tuesday, two young men who are members of the ” Bavaria skinheads
” (aged 20 and 21 at the time of the offenses), stand on trial. They
sprayed Nazi symbols on 59 “stumbling blocks” – memorial stones reminiscent
of the fate of Nazi victims. Overall, the two are accused in 133 cases of
graffiti. The two main defendants, Patrick G. and Wolfgang L. are expected to
receive up to 20 years in prison. Two girls also stand on trial, 17 years old Felicitas
B. and 20-year-old Janine B. who made sure that the guys will not get caught.


Their actions were done from February 2013
to autumn 2013, when the two perpetrators were arrested. Following their
release they distanced themselves from neo-Nazi activity, but for Marcus Neher,
the Attorney General, this was not a “prank”. On the contrary, the
main defendants were firmly planted in the far-right scene. In 2012 they were
frequently observed at Odin’s Bar, which has become over the years a meeting
place for neo-Nazis. The purpose of the two was to attract attention. Neher
said in court that the trial began exactly 70 years after
the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp.

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