The Berlin Institute of Technology is publishing a research study on the subject of antisemitism

In recent years, violent attacks against Jews in Berlin have increasingly made front page
news. Here are some of the latest incidents: Last New Year’s eve, a young
Israeli (26) was the victim of an anti-Semitic attack at the Friedrichstrasse
Station. The perpetrator called out antisemitic slogans at the underground
train station before kicking and punching him. On 3rd January, a
Jewish woman living in Charlottenburg discovered that someone had etched a
swastika on the bonnet of her car.


The Berlin Institute of Technology’s Center for the Study of Antisemitism
wanted to investigate the extent of antisemitism in the Capital and the action
being taken by the authorities to combat it. The results of its inquiry were
published in a study entitled “Antisemitism as Problem and a Symbol.
Manifestations and Interventions in Berlin”,
that was officially presented this week. The findings of the study show that
incidents such as those mentioned above are not usually brought to the
attention of the public. The researchers, Michael Kohlstruk and Peter Urlich
also examined the extent to which the measures currently being taken to combat anti-Semitism
in Berlin are
having an impact.

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