Jews are primary target in Turkish media

media monitoring report
covering news and columns published between May and
August 2014 as part of “Monitoring Hate Speech Media”research conducted by
Hrant Dink Foundation is released. According to the report, Jews were the
primary group subjected to hate speech in media.


In the period covering May, June, July, and August 2014, total of 246
columns and news content targeting national, ethnic and religious groups were
detected. In the first four months of the same year, this number was 188. It’s
been observed that hate speech is more likely generated in columns compared to
news contents.


In the first four months of 2014, the group that was most subjected to
hate speech was Jews. Hate speech targeting Jews was detected in 130 contents.
With 60 contents, the second most targeted group was Armenians while with 30
contents the third most targeted group was Christians. Greeks of Turkish
nationality, Kurds and Syrian refugees were other groups that were subjected to
hate speech.


In the summer, the increase in the number of news contents and columns
containing hate speech was due to an international agenda: ‘The State of Israel’s
operation against Gaza’. In media, it was observed that instead of using the
terms “State of Israel”, “Israel”, or “Israeli Defense Forces” in the news
regarding the operation, the terms “Jews” or “Israelis” were used.


The media outlets where hate speech was most detected were Yeni Akit,
Milli Gazete, Milat, Ortadogu and Yeni Çag.

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