Primary school daubed with swastika graffiti for second time in a week

London – Police are investigating after graffitied swastika
symbols have been found daubed on a primary school’s sign in Stamford Hill for
the second time in a week.


Volunteers from Shomrim, the Jewish neighbourhood watch group, removed
the graffiti symbols outside Jubilee Primary School on Filey Avenue on 18
December but the symbols appeared again this afternoon (22 December).


Shomrim volunteer Michael Scher was on patrol when a member of the
public alerted him to the second incident. He said he was “shocked” at the


Mr Scher said: “This is in an area highly populated by the Jewish
community. Many people are Holocaust survivors and family members of Holocaust
survivors. The police have covered the graffiti and Hackney Council are coming
to remove it.

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