A Jewish girl was attacked in her school

Mions – On
Thursday, a Jewish girl from Mions, near Lyon,
was the victim of anti-Semitic insults made by two of her Muslim classmates.
This was reported by the National Bureau of anti-Semitism monitoring (Bureau National
de Vigilance contre l’Antisémitisme – BNVCA).


According to the girl’s father, himself a
member of BNVCA, the girl, who had never revealed her Jewish identity, was
verbally attacked as she left the dining room. “… She is Jewish, she is
Jewish …”, shouted her two attackers just before they were going to hit
her. Students from the victim’s class intervened.


When the teacher responsible for the class
asked them about the attack, the two attackers explained their actions with the
words “This is the war between Jews and Arabs.” The girl who was the
victim of the attack suffers severe trauma and refuses to go back to school.


The victim’s father filed a complaint to
the school principal as well as with the police. The BNVCA, on its side,
decided to approach the academic supervision, the director of the academy and
the mayor of Mions.

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