Over 120 leading university of California academics mobilize against forthcoming BDS ballot (VIDEO)

More than 120 faculty and staff members at the University of
California have issued a petition calling for a “no” vote in tomorrow’s ballot
organized by UAW 2865, the 13,000-strong union chapter representing mainly
graduate workers at several UC campuses, on whether to join the “global BDS


The petition, which has been
signed by several prominent academics,
 among them 12 emeritus professors,
suggests that public opposition to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
movement on campus is growing, in spite of the intimidatory tactics used by its
extremist proponents like Students for Justice in Palestine, a group that was suspended
by Northeastern University in March this year because of its harassment of pro-Israel students.


the “selectivity of focus of the UAW Joint Council on Israel as the sole target
of a BDS effort in a world that is replete with states that misuse power,” the
petition notes that the BDS proposal “fails to distinguish between Israel’s
occupation of the West Bank and Israel’s right to exist within secure and
recognized borders.”


targeting of Israeli academic institutions, bastions of a wide range of
scholarly talent and viewpoints, will effectively stifle one of the most
progressive elements in Israeli society and will bring an end to cooperation
with Palestinian individuals, institutions, and organizations,” the petition


As The Algemeiner reported last week,
members of UAW 2865, a union comprised principally of teaching assistants at
nine University of California campuses, will be presented with a ballot paper tomorrow,
December 4, asking whether they should “join the global movement for Boycott,
Divestment, and Sanctions, until such time as Israel has complied with
international law and respected the rights of Palestinians in the West Bank and
Gaza Strip, Palestinian citizens of Israel, and all Palestinians refugees and


Informedgrads.org, a
group of union members opposed to the BDS proposal, has reached out to
supporters asking them to double their efforts ahead of tomorrow’s vote. The
group has produced a
 that exposes BDS
advocates engaging in visceral attacks on Israel, urging those who disagree
with them to vote against a “measure isn’t about human rights or
helping Palestinians: it’s about demonizing Israelis.”


the speakers featured in the video, filmed at a November 12 meeting staged by
the UAW 2865 BDS caucus, is Oakland BDS activist Lara Kiswani. “Bringing down
Israel really will benefit everyone in the world, everyone in society,
particularly the workers,” Kiswani says.


that the aim of the BDS movement is the elimination of Israel as a sovereign
state, Kiswani later asserts that “colonialism entails all of occupied
Palestine, from Haifa to Jerusalem to Ramallah.”


Another speaker, Michael
Letwin of the group “Labor for Palestine,” is shown making the libelous claim
that “Zionists” made deals with the “Nazi regime to bring in Jewish settlers to
Palestine while sacrificing the vast majority of European Jews to the
Holocaust.” This revision of the historical record, which first emerged several decades ago in the anti-Zionist propaganda of
the Soviet Union, is a staple of the BDS movement, which seeks to
blame the Zionist movement rather than the Nazis for the extermination of six
million Jews.


In the event that the
BDS proposal is successful tomorrow, the American Center for Law & Justice
(ACLJ,) a legal advocacy group, has warned that
members of UAW 2865 and their employers “are on notice that any actions taken
against Israeli individuals or institutions could result in legal action,”
citing “state and federal laws and policies preventing national-origin


The true aims of BDS unveiled: watch informedgrads.org’s

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