Shots at the door of the Jewish hospital

Berlin – It appears that an unknown person
shot at the Jewish hospital in Gesundbrunnen. The police announced on Sunday
that a security man identified Saturday, around 19:00, a hole in the balcony
door of the hospital on Galinski Street. The door, made of double glass, leads
to the hospital hall. He informed the police about it. The hospital spokesman
said that a preliminary investigation revealed it was probably a shot from an
air gun. Following that the investigation was transferred to the defense


“We received a message that the hole
had been created by a shot from an air gun,” said the hospital spokesman,
Gerhard Nerlich. The James-Israel Hall, in which conferences and lectures are
held, is located in the inner part of the hospital where there are no patients.
“This is the first time that such a thing happens here,” said Nerlich. He hopes
this was not an intended attack.

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