Decrease in number of antisemitic incidents during the first half of the year

A decline in the number of
antisemitic incidents in North Rhine-Westphalia during the first half of the
year. This information was published on Tuesday, following a question submitted
to the government by the Green party.


The number of incidents during the
first half of 2014was 1307, as opposed to 1416 during the first half of 2013.
The number of violent incidents also declined – from 82 to 79.


In total, the
number of incidents emanating from the Extreme Right has decreased, said
Wednesday the green party leader, Verena Schäffer. But the number is still
“high and worrisome”. Therefore the green party continues to work on a national
plan against racism and right wing.

The place with the highest number of
incidents is still Dortmund, where 115 incidents involving the extreme right
were recorded. 10 people were injured in the course of
these incidents. During the first half of 2013 there were only 89 criminal

The statistics of the Ministry of the
Interior recorded 84 incidents during the first half of the year, 20 less than
in the corresponding period last year. No decrease was recorded in the overall
number of incidents, since the numbers of incidents that took place in the
summer are still not included in the report. The protests against the Israeli
attack in Gaza escalated often times to antisemitic attacks.

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