London students refuse to mark Holocaust Day

London – A
motion was proposed at the Goldsmiths Students’ Assembly yesterday to
commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day and victims of genocide.

officer Sarah El-alfy urged students to vote against the proposal, rejecting it
as “eurocentric”.


comes a day after it emerged the NUS voted against a
motion to condemn ISIS and support the Kurdish resistance on the grounds of


student added: “The motion would force people to remember things they may not
want to remember.”


suggested she couldn’t commemorate the Holocaust because she thought the Union
was explicitly “anti-Zionist”.


of the students present said the proposal should be voted against as it would
affect the Union’s stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.



unfortunately-named President Howard Littler said after: “Someone brought up
Israel-Palestine out of the blue but I made a point of information and said I
didn’t want to conflate the two.”


later audaciously added that the whole thing is just “a storm in a teacup”.


motion was proposed by Goldsmiths student Colin Cortbus who is also a Tab
reporter and helped write this story.


motion – which is posted below in full – failed with just one vote in favour
from Colin out of an estimated 60 present.

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