Danish imam calls Jews ‘apes and pigs’

Vollsmose – For the second time in recent months, a video of a
Danish imam’s anti-Semitic sermon is making the rounds online.


In the newest video, which was first posted to the internet in September
but came to widespread attention following its reposting by the Middle East
Media Research Institute (MEMRI) on Monday, an imam at an Odense mosque calls
Jews “the offspring of apes and pigs”.


Mohammed al-Khaled Samha is an imam at an mosque run by the Islamic
Society in Denmark (Islamisk Trossamfund) in the Odense suburb of Vollsmose. He
is also among the group of imams who travelled to the Middle East to stir up
anti-Danish sentiment in the aftermath of Jyllands-Posten newspaper’s printing
of the infamous Mohammed cartoons.


In the sermon, which can be seen below, Samha said that Muslims should
reject a two-state solution for peace between the Israelis and Palestinians.


“How can we – or any free
Muslim with faith in his heart – accept the division of Palestine between [the
Palestinians] and a gang of Jews, the offspring of apes and pigs?” he said in
the sermon, according to MEMRI’s translation.

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