Antisemitic bus incident

East Finchley, London – An alleged racial incident that
took place on a bus full of Jewish school pupils on Tuesday evening is being
investigated by police.


The incident took place on a 102 bus in East Finchley and involved a
grey-haired man who was reported to have screamed: “Get the Jews off the bus,
all they do is f*** us”.


According to passenger Rosa Doherty, who witnessed the incident, he
continued to shout: “I hate the Jews, burn them, I’m going to burn this bus.”


The man, who was reported to then get off the bus after complaining the
traffic “was the Jews’ fault”, continued to walk alongside the vehicle as it
made its way slowly towards the North Circular.


Apparently, after making his way to the next bus stop, he was allowed to
board the bus again.


A police spokesperson confirmed: “Police were called to reports of a
racial incident on the route 102 bus in Great North Way, East Finchley, on
Tuesday, 16 September at 6.20pm. “A male suspect was alleged to have made
racial remarks to passengers… Officers are liaising with the bus company to
obtain CCTV footage. No arrests have been made and inquiries continue.”

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