100 demonstrators protest against antisemitism

Göttingen – about a hundred of Göttingen
residents participated on Saturday in a demonstration against antisemitism. In
the demonstration that was organized in the center of town by the F*act and
OLAFA groups as well as by Sub*way (Translator’s note: a liberal group involved
in social and community issues), under the moto “Against any kind of
antisemitism in Göttingen, in Germany, in Europe and in any other place”, the
organizers wanted to place an exclamation mark against antisemitism. “This is
needed urgently in view of the frightening incidents that have occurred during
the last few weeks”, according to the initiatives’ spokeswoman. In speeches
given by members of the Jewish community and members of the trade unions
association in Germany (DGB) for the event, the historical development of
antisemitism was the foremost subject of discussion, as
well as the poor understanding amongst the public. The organizers looked a bit
disappointed from the number of participants. “This illustrates the prevailing
ignorance regarding the social problem that is antisemitism”, according to the

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