Antisemitic incidents reach record level in July 2014

Antisemitic reactions to this summer’s conflict between Israel and Hamas
resulted in record levels of antisemitic hate incidents in the UK, according to
new figures released by CST today.


CST recorded 302 antisemitic incidents in July 2014, a rise of over 400%
from the 59 incidents recorded in July 2013 and only slightly fewer than the
304 antisemitic incidents recorded in the entire first six months of 2014. A
further 111 reports were received by CST during July but were not deemed to be
antisemitic and are not included in this total. CST has recorded antisemitic
incidents in the UK since 1984.


The 302 antisemitic incidents recorded in July 2014 is the highest ever
monthly total recorded by CST. The previous record high of 289 incidents in
January 2009 coincided with a previous period of conflict between Israel and
Hamas. CST also recorded at least 150 antisemitic incidents in August 2014,
making it the third-highest monthly total on record. The totals for July and
August are expected to rise further as more incident reports reach CST.


155 of the 302 incidents recorded in July (51%) involved direct
reference to the ongoing conflict in Israel and Gaza. All incidents require
evidence of antisemitic language, targeting or motivation alongside any
anti-Israel sentiment to be recorded by CST as an antisemitic incident.


101 antisemitic incidents recorded in July involved the use of language
or imagery relating to the Holocaust, of which 25 showed evidence of far right
political motivation or beliefs. More commonly, reference to Hitler or the
Holocaust was used to taunt or offend Jews, often in relation to events in
Israel and Gaza, such as via the twitter hashtag #HitlerWasRight. 76 of the 302
incidents in July (25%) took place on social media.


CST obtained a description of the offender for 107 of the 302
antisemitic incidents recorded during July 2014. Of these, 55 offenders (51%)
were described as being of south Asian appearance; 32 (30%) were described as
white; 15 (14%) were described as being of Arab or north African appearance;
and 5 (5%) were described as black.


There were 21 violent antisemitic assaults recorded by CST, none of
which were classified as ‘Extreme Violence’, which would involve a threat to
life or grievous bodily harm (GBH). None of the 21 assaults resulted in serious
injury. There were 17 incidents of Damage & Desecration of Jewish property;
218 incidents of Abusive Behaviour, which includes verbal abuse, antisemitic
graffiti, antisemitic abuse via social media and one-off cases of hate mail; 33
direct antisemitic threats; and 13 cases of mass-mailed antisemitic leaflets or


CST recorded 179 antisemitic incidents in Greater London in July 2014,
compared to 144 during the whole of the first half of 2014. There were 52
antisemitic incidents recorded in Greater Manchester, compared to 96 in the
first six months of the year. 71 incidents were recorded in other locations
around the UK during July.

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