Sharp rise in the dimensions of Jew-hatred in Berlin

133 antisemitic incidents recorded in 20 days


BERLIN – A wave of
hatred against Jews is shaking Berlin.
Since the conflict broke out in the Gaza Strip, the Berlin Police has recorded
complaints relation to 133 antisemitic incidents in 20 days, compared to 195
such incidents during the whole of last year.


The data was just given by Senator Frank Henkel (CDU)
in response to a parliamentary question raised by Green Party MP Carla Hermann.


Incitement on the Muslim
protest day (Al-Quds): On 25
th July in KUDAMM, a hitherto unknown
group of 20-30 people called out Nazi slogans and chanted “Seig
heil”. An investigation has been opened. 


Insulting video: On 17th
July protesters published a short film on YouTube in which they erased the
State of Israel. Four suspects were arrested. The leader of the gang was


Brutal attack: On 24th
July a 19 year old youth was beaten by an anonymous attacker on his way to the
synagogue on Pasaau Street.
His spectacles fell to the ground and were smashed. The victim was wearing a
skull cap. 

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