Antisemitic incidents in the second quarter of 2014

Berlin – According to data
given by the Federal Government in a response (18/2306) to a parliamentary
question put by the leftist parties (18/2205), in the second quarter of the
year, six people were injured in Germany as a result of politically
motivated crimes of an antisemitic nature. Between April and the end of June
2014, 159 anti-Semitic crimes were reported, 5 of which involved acts of
violence and 30 crimes of incitement.


Of the 159 incidents, 3 involved acts of violence attributed
to the extreme right and 3, 2 of which involved acts of violence, were
attributed to political activities engaged in by foreigners. Of the 159 crimes
documented, one was attributed to the extreme left and one to violence
motivated by a different political cause.


90 suspects were questioned. Four people were arrested.
According to information given by the Federal Government, no indictments were
served. As stated in the response: “The numbers will probably change
significantly as a result of further reports and amendments”. 

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