Minister of the Interior sees the police as responsible regarding antisemitic slogans

– The Federal Minster of the Interior in Germany, Thomas de Maizière, called upon the security
authorities to come out and act decisively against expressions which are
hostile to Jews during anti-Israeli demonstrations.


police and the Public Prosecutor offices must intervene and publicly come out
against such slogans, said the politician, a CDU man, to the “Jüdische Allgemeine” weekly.
Different Public Prosecutor offices in the German states are already
considering starting legal procedures.”


to the claim, the Jews are still safer here, now as in the past, than in most
other countries in the world. “Nevertheless, I see with great worry that the
Jewish community in Germany has a cause to debate the question of its safety”
said the federal minister. “Therefore the State of Law must exhaust the tools
available to it, so that our citizens of the Jewish faith will be able to
continue living safely in Germany.”


Germany, hatred of Jews, overt or hidden, must not be allowed to exist”,
stressed de Maizière.
According to him, even the direct or veiled denial of Israel’s right to exist
does not have any place in the political discourse in the Federal Republic of

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