Antisemitism during Protective Edge

 The Jewish community in Denmark reported
29 incidents in connection with the conflict in Gaza. According to the
Christian oriented daily newspaper Kristeligt Dagblasd  (The Christian Daily, in Danish), one must be
watchful against any innocence regarding the Arab anti-Semitism: “A Swedish
report shows that the Arab antisemitism is not taken as seriously as the
antisemitism connected to the Nazi ideology – maybe because often there is the
tendency to show understanding towards the Palestinians. However, it is
necessary to struggle against antisemitism clearly and unequivocally, no matter
where it stems from. The situation in which one cannot walk in certain areas in
this country without being vilified, just due to the simple fact that one is
wearing a religious emblem, is unacceptable, be it a Jewish skullcap or a
Muslim veil. In Denmark, although it is allowed to criticize the Israeli
intervention in Gaza – it must never be allowed to show tolerance towards antisemitism.

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