Jewish man assaulted over Gaza war

Marseilles – A man in his 60s was lightly wounded in an apparent antisemitic
assault in Marseille.


The assault Tuesday began after the victim drove up to his own garage to
discover it had been blocked by a parked car, the local branch of the CRIF
umbrella organization of French Jewish communities wrote in its report of the


The attacker showed up after the victim, who wears a kipah, sounded the
horn. The attacker began chasing the victim while shouting: “Dirty Jew, this
isn’t Gaza, I’m going to kill you and your family.”


Catching up to the victim as he was heading for the stairs of his
apartment building, the attacker, who was much younger than the victim, began
hitting the victim in his face. The attacker was joined by several other people
who are believed to be relatives. He continued to attack the victim, also using


The victim has filed a complaint with police for racially aggravated
assault, the CRIF statement said. It did not say whether police have a suspect
in custody.

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