Turkey – Antisemitism report, July 2014

July, 3

lie is at the universities
“- Yeni Akit minor inner page headlines say,
reporting that Turkish professors are being lectured about Holocaust, the
‘historical lie’ of Zionism. 15 Turkish academicians attended a one-week
seminar in Jerusalem’s Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum, where they were lectured on
the Holocaust. The paper says that Zionists are ‘trying’ to make Turkish
professors believe in the Holocaust ‘lie’. It is reported that the Council of
Higher Education (YÖK) was not informed about the seminar. The YÖK sources told
Akit that there are no academicians who were officially assigned to attend the
seminar. The paper reports that the Jewish sources confirmed the seminar.


July 4,

“Occupation, blood and revenge” are the
headlines of İbrahim Kalın‘s column in
Daily Sabah. Criticizing both the killing of the Palestinian teenager and the 3
Jewish teenagers, Kalın stresses that these
crimes and the reactions that followed in their aftermath show, once again, the
inhuman face of the occupation and why it must be ended. Giving examples
from Facebook groups that Israelis has opened for revenge, he argues that killing, retaliation and revenge have once again
become a daily routine in the Palestinian territories under Israeli occupation.
He criticizes PM Netanyahu and his government for their policies to
justify settlements and occupation. He concludes saying that peace can only be
achieved by ending the occupation.


July 8,

“The unhealthy state of mind of the Jews is
written by a Jew”
are the headlines of Hasan Karakaya’s
column in Yeni Akit. He quotes excerpts from Gilad Atzmon’s novel,
The Wandering Who?“, ‘to explain the Jews, their state of
minds and how they use the world countries’. The columnist argues that one
needs to really know about the Jews’ state of mind in order to ‘fight’ them. He
argues that after reading Atzmon’s writings, it can be easily said that that
the Jew who burned the Palestinian teen has the same ‘unhealthy state of mind’.
“These people are not humans. They are sadists and schizophrenic
creatures!” he concludes.


July 8,

“How can I not be antisemitic?”
are the headlines of Faruk Köse’s column in Akit, where he tries to answer
whether a Muslim has the chance not to be antisemitic. He argues that it would
not be wrong to suggest that one of the most common societal attitudes of the
humanity has been antisemitism since the past. Therefore, he says that Jews,
who complain about antisemitism, should first explain what they had done to
earn the hatred of the whole humanity in different times and in different
societies. After listing the adjectives that are used in the Quran while
referring to Jews such as ‘trouble maker’, ‘malice’, ‘racist’, ‘extorter’ and
‘hypocrite’, the columnist says that it should be understandable why people
become antisemitic. He argues that people show a tendency towards antisemitism,
not because they are evil, but because of the Jews’ behaviors. “In these
circumstances, Jews do not have the right to complain about antisemitism”,
he writes. “If they are disturbed, then they should change themselves and
act like ‘human beings’ “, he adds. He argues that looking at the Israeli
conducts; a Muslim is expected to be antisemitic/anti-Zionist. He says that no
one has the right to expect otherwise from Muslims. He also criticizes the
Foreign Ministry of not doing anything about Israel massacres in ‘Palestine’
other than its diplomatic discourse.


July 9,

Yeni Akit writer Nusret Çiçek argues that
today’s Jews are much different than those who were allowed to migrate to the
lands of the Ottoman Empire when they were fleeing Spain. He says that Gaza is
subject to Israel’s air attacks but the Jewish world aids and abets Israel’s
savagery despite the past. He argues that Israeli President Shimon Peres is not
only ‘spoiled’ but also an ‘expert of slaughtering humans’.


July 10,

“President who doesn’t know 4 languages but can
say ‘one minute’ “
are the headlines of Merve Şebnem Oruç’s
column in Yeni Şafak where she advocated the Presidency of Erdoğan over
İhsanoğlu. Underlining the difficulties faced by the Gazans and the
Palestinians in the West Bank, she argues that Israel does not let Palestinians
get on the same busses with the Jews in order to protect Israeli settlers
against the Palestinians. Referring to Israel as ‘the state of those coward,
paranoid and security oppressed thieves’
, she argues that Israel will
always be paranoid as it knows that it has stolen and seized what did not belong
to it. She says ‘one does not need to be Muslim to be against the cruelty
Israel commits in Gaza and the West Bank; anybody who has conscience would be
against Israel’. She criticizes presidential candidate İhsanoğlu for his
attitude regarding the Palestinian problem, and asks in which language
İhsanoğlu can say ‘one minute’ despite the fact that he knows 4 languages.


July 10,

A popular female pop singer posted a
succession of antisemitic tweets over Israel’s deadly air campaign in Gaza. 

the night of July 10, Yıldız Tilbe, who has been making folk-influenced hit pop
albums since the 1990s, appeared to praise Hitler in the tweets and say the end
of the Jews was near.

“If God allows, it will be again Muslims who
will bring the end of those Jews, it is near, near,” she tweeted on her
official account @YildizzTilbee.


“They (Jews) are hostile to Allah and all
prophets including their own prophet Moses.”


July 10,

Yeni Akit columnist Yener Dönmez writes on
the murder of Palestinian teenager. He says that according to the Quran, Jews,
who are deemed as ‘eternal servile by Allah’, are malice, cruel, liar, evil,
ugly, immoral, immodest, fierce, defeatists and deniers.


July 11,

Akit writer Burak Karen says that the
Muslims are insensitive and the world is silent when ‘the children of the
Devil’ ‘puke deaths in Gaza’. He says that the ‘damned people’ are committing a
genocide in Gaza in order to exterminate the Gazan people. This struggle will
continue until the day there is only one Palestinian left alive and children of
the Devil will not rest until then, he says.


July 12,

“Poisonous statements from Israeli MP” (Hürriyet major
fnp), “Israeli MP sees red” (Sabah minor front page), “Let’s
kill their mothers too”, “Like Hitler”
(Yeni Şafak major
front page and fnp)- The papers give quotations from the Israeli
parliamentarian Ayelet Shaked and say that she attracted reactions even
from the Israelis with her words saying ‘ the Palestinian mothers should also
die with their sons”.


July 12,

“Banality of Evil “- Yeni Şafak writer Erol
argues that evilness is embedded in every level of the state in
Israel. Tel Aviv Nazis recklessly appear everywhere, he writes. 


July 12,

“Germany had one Hitler, how many are there in
are the headlines of Asım Yenihaber’s column in Akit.
He criticizes Israel, saying that there are so many Zionist authorities who
have innocents’ blood on their hands. He argues that Israel should be called
‘Hitlerland’.  He says that he is doubtful
if Hitler would be condemned so much if he had done massacres to French people
instead of Jews.


July 12,

“Is killing Zionists licit?” are the
headlines of Faruk Köse‘s column in Akit. Palestinian problem is
not being solved. Muslims should do their job themselves, he says. He stressed
that it is time to realize that holy jihad should be declared. He says that a
total jihad should be carried out all over the world. He argues that if Israel
continues to do what it does, Muslims will not wait for the answer of the question
whether it is licit to kill Zionist. “They would just take revenge,
without thinking further,” he says. He points out that Israel is preparing
its own end.


July 14,

Taha Akyol in Hurriyet says that the genocide
conducted by Hitler on 5-6 million Jews, is the greatest shame of human
history, and justifying Hitler’s acts is a horrible lack of morality, if we use
the softest wording. On the other hand, Israel is today’s tyrant, and the Palestinians
are the oppressed while the UN is not even denouncing Israel’s attacks, leave
aside sanctions. This is a shame over the USA as well as Israel.


July 14,

Hasmet Babaoglu in Sabah refer to Ronaldo
and Messi with posters of ‘Free Palestine’ ‘Free Gaza’ on the internet and asks
why our football stars are indifferent and distant to Palestine. He says ‘Their
know-it-all brothers warn them of not attracting trouble’ or in some circles
(luxury districts of Istanbul) they hear the warning that ‘our Jewish friends
would be sorry
. This is real antisemitism, and the mentality which
cannot differentiate between Zionist Israel and Judaism. What’s the connection
between the bombs exploding over Gaza with your Jewish friend?
” he


July 14,

“Herzl’s heritage is blood and tears in
are the headlines of Aziz Üstel‘s column in Star. He
argues that Israel, which ‘has been playing the victim for 85 years’, is
displaying examples of savagery, indifference and self-indulgence in Gaza right
now. Not until recently, nobody in Turkey has understood or wanted to
understand the true face of Zionism and what it is capable of doing. It was
Erdoğan who first said enough to what Abdul Hamid II had seen and tried to
prevent it from spreading. After writing on the emergence and evolution of
Theodor Herzl’s Zionism, he argues that people have watched the developments
with tears. This situation will continue until the new Turkey will clear away
old Turkey’s fears and doubts, he argues. He says that this will happen very


July 14,

“Hitler, Israel and Jews in Turkey” are the
headlines of İbrahim Kiras‘ column in Star. He argues that it would be
absurd to look for diplomatic courtesy or academic consistency from the people
on the street when Muslims are being bombed in a religious month by a terrorist
state. Reminding singer Yıldız Tilbe’s antisemitic statements in her Twitter
account, he says that the arguments suggesting that antisemitism is rising are
nothing but maneuvers to make Israel both guilty and strong. Saying that it is
wrong to accuse all the Jews for Israel’s sins, he argues that it is not
possible to say the entire Islamic world thinks the same way. He says that the
Jewish Community in Turkey has overreacted to Tilbe’s statements. Even though
they seem to be right in their first reaction as the statement was legitimizing
Hitler’s conducts, he believes that it is also not right or well-intentioned to
dwell in anti-Israeli criticism despite the ongoing savagery that Israel
conducts in the occupied lands. Stressing that there are Jews in the world who
are critical of Israel, he argues that the Jewish Community in Turkey- except
the some personal exemptions- is one of the primary societies in the world
which unconditionally supports Israel. The administrators of the Jewish
Community in Turkey have to understand that they can serve neither the Jews in
Turkey nor the Jewish state of Israel with their current attitude, he says.
Because, if they are concerned that antisemitism will rise in Turkey, then they
have to understand that they cannot prevent this with their current attitude.
They cannot prevent the rise of antisemitism in Turkey by ignoring the reasons
which tagged a lively singer who has nothing to do with politics into such


July 14,

Yeni Şafak writer Salih Tuna says that the
Israel’s hunger for blood cannot be satisfied. He says that Israeli terror
state’s history is killing Palestinians. He criticizes Israeli MP Ayalet Shaked
for her statements. He says that this racist mindset has no difference from
what Hitler did to Jews during the WW2. He admits that there is no
legitimization of not condemning Hitler. He openly says that killing Jews does
not comply with Islamic belief, but remaining silent to the massacres is also
not OK.


July 14,

Yeni Akit writer Hasan Karakaya writes on the
ongoing situation in Gaza. He says that “terror state Israel” has
gone mad and continues its massacres over sahur time. He says that Israel’s
massacres have turned into ‘genocide’. Reminding singer Yıldız Tilbe’s statements
on Jews, he criticizes Hürriyet and ‘similar-minded’ newspapers for branding
this as ‘a hate crime’. He says that these papers remained silent to the
‘creatures below animals’, ‘the lowest creatures’, ‘the Israelis who filled a
Palestinian teen’s mouth with gas and burned him’ and ‘the terror state which
bombs Gaza every 4-5 minutes’. However, he stresses, they have started a
lynching campaign against Yıldız Tilbe who ‘took up a manly position despite
being a woman’. He says that they cannot lynch Tilbe in a Muslim country in the
Ramadan month. He stresses that she has received messages of support more than
reaction messages. Saying that the Islamic world is also as guilty as the West
when it comes to the inhumane attacks to Gaza, he argues that Zionism’s
arrogance will continue as long as the Islamic world acts insensitive.


July 15,

“That immoral woman should be trialed”-  Yeni Akit minor front page headlines read,
reporting that Jewish-origin businessman Doğan Kasadolu said that Ayalet
Shaked should be trialed for her statements
.  Kasadolu spoke to Akit, saying that “These
are massacre makers. They kill people. This is their policy. How many times
they have occupied?”
He argued that the aggressive policies of Israel
are damaging the Jews living abroad. “The Jews here are very much worried.
Israeli administration would be happy if something happens [here]. It wants
something to happen to the Jews in the countries they live so that they would
go to live in Israel,” he stated.


July 15,

Star columnist
Taha Özhan
says that Israel is a costly project that lives physically in
the Middle East but mentally in Washington. He argues that Israel derives it
life style from fear and threat and its philosophy from Holocaust. He
criticizes Israel for the operation in Gaza and those who argue that Israel was
encouraged by the Syrian crisis enhanced by Turkey. He questions the moral
level of those people.


July 15,

Yeni Akit writer Faruk Köse says that he
would not want a Jew to die just because he is Jewish, as it does not comply
with Islamic belief, but that he would not be sad if the Jews died.  Stressing that nobody deserves to be punished
because of his beliefs and thoughts, he says that he would have the right to
ask for tit-for-tat in case that the Zionist /Jewish terror base subjects the
Palestinians to genocide. He particularly poses criticisms to the idea that
Jews living in Turkey would join the Israeli army. “I would bring the
question to the agenda ‘whether it is licit to kill Zionists’, if you go to
Zionist/Jewish terror base Israel, join the army and be a member of the
‘murderer herd’ to kill my Palestinian brothers while you are adding money to
your wealth by benefiting from every kind of trade relations in my country and
despite the fact that you are a citizen of my country,” he writes. He also
says that Israeli MP’s anti-Arab statements made him want to say ‘May God bless
you Hitler!”  According to Köse,
there are rumors suggesting that Israel has summoned Jews all over the world to
Israel to join the Israeli army, and that the number of Istanbul-Tel Aviv
flights have boosted for that matter. He refers to the allegations that people
who are living in Turkey as both Turkish and Israeli citizens have followed the
call and that there are some people amongst them who previously participated in
the Mavi Marmara raid. He asks the question what is being done to identify
those who went to Israel to join the army and what legal procedure would be
applied against them. He says that the authorities owe an explanation to the
public opinion. He calls upon Rav İsak Haleva, the Chief Rabbi of the Sephardic
and Ashkenazi Jews living in Turkey, to immediately make a statement on behalf
of the Jews living in Turkey. In that statement, it should be explained that
they do not approve of the genocide being made in Gaza by Israel and that they
do not have any emotional connection to Israel’s operation. He argues that the
Jews need to make such a statement due to the fact that they have safely lived
in Turkey for 5 centuries and that this safe living would continue. He says
that the statement is needed to prevent the Muslim people from having antisemitic
feelings and anger towards the Jewish Community. He stresses that there are no
brakes when it comes to ‘societal anger’ and that there is no way of knowing
the limitations of such anger. He says that such statement would prevent a
possible animosity between Muslims and Jews living in Turkey. He recalls the
September 6-7 events when minorities in Turkey were killed in riots. He is
‘worried’ that a societal anger against the Jews could cumulate so much that it
would pave for another likewise event.


July 15,

In his column in Akit, Ali İhsan
criticizes Turkish Jews’ newspaper Şalom for its Gaza
operation coverage. He says that it is not a ‘war’ as Şalom publishes, because
one of the parties is not as strong as the other party. He also says that Şalom
has ignored Ayalet Shaked’s statements. He calls Şalom as ‘racist’, ‘immoral’,
‘hypocrite’, ‘murderers who normalize deaths’ and ‘the media leg of the
killers’.  He says that just like the
Mavi Marmara commanders, the newspaper will be trialed in Turkish Courts one
day for making immoral news.


July 16,

PM Erdogan’s address to AKP group the previous night where
he allocated 16 minutes to the Israeli operation on Gaza is the major issue
today. The headlines quote him as saying “Israel has Hitler’s
mentality”. (Full quotation annexed) 

Late last night in Iftar dinner with
(where only Israeli and Syrian mission chiefs
were not invited; Egyptian was invited but not attended) PM Erdoğan
slammed the UN for its failure to stop the bloodshed in Palestine stating that
the UN is responsible most. He asked: “
What purpose does the UN serve?”.

PM Erdogan said “Israel says Hamas is
launching rockets, but no Israelis have been killed. Where do these rockets
fall? On the desert maybe… There is disinformation here. Israel and the west are using disinformation to
legitimize the killing of innocent Palestinians
. They are lying“. 


July 16,

“Jewish Community defends
the massacre
– Yeni Akit inner page
headlines read, reporting that one of the former leaders of the Turkish Jewish
Community, Silvio Ovedia defended Israel in a phone conversation with Akit’s
correspondent. According to the paper, when asked about the conducts of Israeli
administration, Ovedia said that Israel is a state and there is no such thing
as state terror.  

July 16,

“Israel’s right to exist” are the
headlines of Hilal Kaplan’s column in Yeni Şafak. She argues that Israel is
violating the international law with its Jewish settlements. Stating that the
Israeli government is not the only problem, she says the problem is the mindset
of the majority of the Israeli people. Referring to a research published in
Haaretz in 2010, she says that the Jewish settlers do not want to leave their
settlements even if Israel decides to evacuate. In the current situation,
Israel is an apartheid state she says, comparing the difficulties the
Palestinians are facing as opposed to settlers’ good conditions. She says that
people who defend Israel’s right to exist as a state are forgetting that they
are defending a state which resumes its occupation through civilians. She says
that the Zionist vision and Israel have never granted Palestinians the right to
live and they will not all of give up on the lands all of a sudden and pursue
humane policies. Therefore, recognition of Israel as an apartheid state instead
of a legitimate state is vital for the establishment of a peaceful Arab/Jewish


July 16,

Yeni Akit writer Faruk Köse says that truce is
not enough. He says that Palestinians cannot drop their weapons until the day
Zionist people and the terror state suffer from the same things. He argues that
some Synagogue workers in Istanbul said that Palestinians have asked for it and
Israel has responded. He criticizes this point of view and says that a
truce is not acceptable.  

July 16,

Mehmet Ocaktan
wrote in Aksam that Israel is the new Hitler of this century. He also
stated that Israel is fueling the antisemitism all over the world.

July 17,

Zionism is the biggest threat”- Akit
reports that OIC Parliamentary Union Turkey Group President Orhan Atalay
condemned Israel. He said that Zionism which regards massacre as an order is
not only a threat against Palestinians, but also against the whole humanity. He
stresses that since the day Israel has emerged as a state behind the shadow of
its masters, has adopted Zionism as ‘god’, violence as ‘religion’ and
slaughtering as ‘daily prayer’.  


July 17,

Yeni Akit columnist Nusret Çiçek argues that
humanitarian tragedy in Gaza makes someone think Hitler was right. He says
that Hitler, seeing that Jews were expelled from Spain and Russia, saw what the
future might bring and conducted genocide.


July 22,

Akif Beki says in Hürriyet that he does not
know how many lives Israel will take in order to pay back Hitler’s atonement. 

July 23,

Yeni Safak columnist Ali Bayramoglu says in
his column titled as Israel and the Jews, that only the Jewish Community
in Turkey can stop Israel’s “impertinence”; otherwise there will be
worse results. He is criticizing the ban to enter the Al Aqsa mosque and asking
‘Should we put our people in front of the synagogues?’ Jewish community should
say that we are not supporting the massacre of the Zionism and not sending our


July 23,

During a Parliamentary session, AKP Diyarbakır
Deputy Cuma İçten
has protested Israel by hanging a placard on the stand
which says ‘IsReal Terrorist’. İçten was also wearing a scarf in solidarity
with Palestinians.



July 23,

Milliyet‘s cartoon;



July 23,

“Antisemitism and Turkey” are the
headlines of Osman Can‘s column DS.


July 23,

“The process is the Nazification of Israel” are the
headlines of Cemil Ertem‘s column DS. 


July 23,

“Humans and the Jews”– In his column
in Yeni Safak, Ibrahim Tenekeci refers to the book that was
written in 1967. The book defined the Jews as ‘the eternal pain of the
humanity’. He takES parts from the book, which says that the Jews cannot live
without ‘malice’ and ‘instigation’. The God has sent Jews as a trouble to the
humanity, there is no place that the Jew is stretching out his poisonous hand.
About Islamic world and Judaism, he says that Islam and Turkish world is in
danger as far as Israel remains there. The future is either one’s or the
others’, he says.  He argues that all the
bad things are done by Zionists who are Jews and if you say this loudly then
you are in dangerous area as antisemitism. As a result, the murderers are
protected by laws. The book says that the Jew adores money so economic embargo
would be a way to hurt them. Even if they are not very much affected, people
would be doing your part.


July 23,

Nazis and Israel, Yeni Safak, Hilal
Kaplan writes that the mistake Nazis have had done was the same with what
Israel is doing now. According to her Zionists instead of taking lessons from
Nazi mistake they have repeated it ignoring the power of the human will.


July 24,

“Look at the silent one”, Star reporta
about the fact that writer Paul Auster who has a “Jewish origin”,
does not give any reaction to Israel. 


July 24-31,

Weekly Comic book ‘Uykusuz’s cover page: Israeli soldier
says they have prepared a new 10 commands; Kill, shed blood, spread fear,
spread terror, burn, tear down, bomb, slaughter, don’t be merciful and don’t be


July 31,

“Israeli administration! Can I call you sons of
b…s?”- Akit
columnist Hasan Karakaya argues that he would
be accused for being antisemitic or racist if he says “Israeli
administration! Most of you are sons of bitches.”


“I don’t care!” he writes, saying that
calling Israeli administration son of a bitch is not an ‘insult’ but it is an
‘assessment’. He argues that what is important in Israel is the ‘soil’, not the
‘seeds’. Whoever is the father of the child does not matter in Israel, he
writes, as long as the mother is certain. “This is why I say that most of
the Israeli children are bastards!” he notes. Their mother is one but
their fathers could be 50 or 100 people, he says. “Most of them are sons
of bitches,” he repeats, adding that they would not burn a teen with
gasoline if they weren’t sons of bitches. If they weren’t so, they would not
commit genocide on Palestinian Muslims or they would not bomb children playing
on the beach. He continues criticizing the parallel structure for supporting
‘these sons of bitches’ and not condemning the Israeli attacks and occupation.
“We have understood the tyrant called Israel; they would do almost
anything because most of them are bastards and sons of bitches. But, what about
the parallel gang? Isn’t there something odd about this?” he writes. 


Antisemitic statements from state officials

July 19,

Erdoğan says Israel worse than Hitler

Hürriyet reports that Prime Minister Erdoğan
denounced the ground operations launched by Israel in Gaza.


Speaking at an election rally in Hatay, Erdoğan said
the genocide carried out by Israel was worse than the genocide carried out by
Hitler against the Jews in the past. “We are against antisemitism, but
everybody must know that we are also against terror states like Israel which
walk in the footsteps of Hitler,” Erdoğan said.


He condemned the statements made by world leaders in
support of Israel. “They say that the Israeli operation was an act of
self-defense. It is all a game. We are dealing with a new Crusader alliance,”
Erdoğan said. He described Israeli moves as “act of terror” and “genocide.”


Saturday’s Vatan adds that Erdoğan denounced as
“weird” the comments of German Chancellor Angela Merkel in support of Israel.


Sunday’s Akşam reports Erdoğan as saying that
Israel’s barbarity was worse than the atrocities committed by Hitler. Speaking
at an election rally in Ordu, Erdoğan said a T-shirt with a targeted pregnant
Muslim woman and the slogan: “One shot, two kills” was popular in Israel.


Erdoğan said “This is mean and immoral,” Sunday’s Milliyet


According to Saturday’s Vatan, Erdoğan said
that Turkey’s relationship with Israel will not improve “as long as I am in
power.” he noted that normalization was not possible.


Sunday’s Sabah reports Erdoğan as saying that
he condemns the Israeli operations on behalf of humanity.


Today’s Sabah highlights the words of Erdoğan
that Israel is a “terror state” harming regional and global peace. “We are
against Hitler’s oppression and against antisemitism. But everybody must know
that he are also against terror states walking in the footsteps of Hitler,” he


Meanwhile, Saturday’s Cumhuriyet says that
Israel decided to reduce its diplomatic delegation in Turkey to the “minimum
required” level after violent protests in front of Israeli diplomatic missions.


July 20,

Deputy PM Arınç said that Israel’s Gaza attack has turned out to
be a situation which could be openly qualified as genocide.


July 21,

Minister of Labor and Social Security
Faruk Çelik
said that Israel is fuelling antisemitism
with the massacre it is committing.


July 22,

Erdoğan speaks on a TV show

In a televised show aired on ATV, Erdoğan spoke about issues
related to Turkish Jews, Israel and Turkey.


Replying to a question about the reaction towards the Jews living
in Turkey, “I have to mention this: why our Jewish citizens in Turkey have
founded 500th Year Association? This is the manner of our ancestors towards the
Jewish people. Now, of course the Jews in Turkey are our citizens and they are
under our guarantee. Time to time, unfortunately some of the groups make some
explanations that I also cannot accept. 
Also it is very ugly. These are not good manners for us, for Muslim
people.  I cannot accept the explanations
of this kind of foundations or associations against our Jewish citizens in
Turkey.  I also told my colleagues to
warn them about not making some kind of explanations and they will harm
themselves,” he said.


Saying that Turkey has also taken some steps and we did some things
in international community, Erdogan noted that he is against antisemitism.
“First of all, following the bombing of the twin towers in US, we have
expressed that we are against antisemitism. I made this explanation and said
that this is a crime against humanity. After some time, I have also mentioned
that Islamophobia is also crime against humanity and we have told this speech
to be recorded in an international meeting in Warsaw. We have recorded however
the West has still have not taken this into their agenda completely,” he


Criticizing an Israeli MP, he said “Look, what this Israeli
woman, this impertinent, immoralist woman says: ‘ You have to shoot the
pregnant woman and you can kill two with one single bullet.’ Now I am asking,
where are the woman rights associations in Turkey and in the world?”


Stressing that no country except Qatar, Venezuela, Chile, South
American countries and China have condemned Israel, he also condemned Shujaya
incidents and said that the humanity should not be subjected to such kind of


Erdogan has also appeared on TV this noon, during AKP Group meeting
with a Palestinian scarf on his neck.

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