The senate has voted for a statement denouncing the antisemitic hateful inscriptions

senate unanimously voted (23 out of 23) in favor of two statements: “The senate
of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay firmly denounces and condemns expressions
of intolerance, racism, xenophobia, incitement to hatred, scorn and any other
form of discrimination against Jews, as they have been revealed through
graffiti in the streets, on building fronts and on roads in our country.”


According to the senate, antisemitic hateful
inscriptions deserve absolute condemnation and are against the international
law, the constitution of the Republic, laws 17677 and 18717 and the tradition
of the Uruguayan Republic regarding the promotion of human rights and their
defense throughout history.


addition, the senate calls for the complete cessation of the violence and for
the creation of permanent mechanisms for solving the present conflict in the
Middle East peacefully”.


initiative was submitted by senators Francisco Gallinal (the National Party),
Enrique Rubio (the Broad Front) and Alfredo Solari (the
Colorado party). 

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