Former minister says UN infected with antisemitism

Antisemitism is alive and well within the United Nations apparatus,
Denmark’s former development and immigration minister, Søren Pind, said in an
interview on Tuesday.


told Jyllands-Posten
that the road to peace in the Middle East is blocked
by antisemitism in the UN.


“It is my clear impression that there is an antisemitic sentiment
within areas of the UN’s fora,” he told the newspaper.


“I don’t think one can doubt that when you look at the overall make-up
of the UN or when you look at the composition of the Human Rights Council,”
Pind added.


The Human Rights Council (HRC) consists of 47 Member States serving on
rotating three-year terms. The HRC is currently made up of 11 Muslim-majority
countries, including Indonesia, Kuwait, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United
Arab Emirates.


Pind also said that the UN General Assembly often criticises Israel and
that when it comes to Israel, “the Arab world is completely set in its ways

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