Dutch watchdog reports record levels of online antisemitism

A Dutch watchdog group
said it was observing record levels of incitement to antisemitic hatred online.


Meldpunt Discriminatie
Internet, or MDI, said the current volume of reports on punishable hate speech
against Jews is unparalleled during the organization’s 17 years in existence,
the AT5 television channel reported Monday.


“Usually, we get three
to five reports [of incidents] per week, but now we have received 73 reports,”
MDI cofounder Suzette Bronkhorst told AT5. “We are talking about 200-300
incidents of antisemitic hate speech within 10 days,” Bronkhorst added. The
jump is connected to Israel’s offensive in Gaza, she said, and largely consists
of statements on Twitter.


One Twitter message
flagged by MDI read: “I want all Jews, but really all of them, to drop dead
until not a single one is left.” Another, belonging to the Twitter user “goldmocro,” identified as James Rodriquez, read: “Hitler needs
to come back to kill the Jews. #FreePalestine.”

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