Toulouse Jewish center firebombed after anti-Israel protest in area

Toulouse – Police in Toulouse arrested a man who hurled three firebombs at a Jewish
community center and the officers guarding it.


The incident happened Saturday, one hour after the conclusion of a
demonstration against Israel’s actions against Hamas in Gaza, the AFP news
agency reported.


The man, who was not named, threw two firebombs over the center’s fence
and a third at the officers but none of the bombs successfully ignited. He also
hurled stones at the Espace du Judaisme center, which contains a synagogue, a
library and a lecture room, among other facilities.


“Our lives have become
absurd,” Nicole Yardeni, the head of the local branch of the CRIF umbrella
group of French Jewish communities said. “We endure daily insults and get spat
on, a general feeling of anxiety because a part of the population has a
poisoned mind that makes it their mission to hurt Jews, regardless of Gaza.”

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